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发布时间:2016年10月25日 00:47 点击数:


刘涛 副教授



















1. Liu T*, Briseghella B, Zhang QL, Zordan T. Equivalent damping of bilinear hysteretic SDOF system considering the influence of initial elastic damping. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 97:74-85.

2. Yu Y, Liu T*, Zhang QL, Yang B. Wind-Induced Response of an L-Shaped Cable Support. Shock and Vibration, 2017, 4163045.

3. Li YT, Liu T*, Yang B, Zhang QL, Zhang YY. Effects of Natural Ageing on Mechanical Properties of PVDF-Coated Fabrics. Structural Engineering International, 2016,  26(4):348-356.

4. Wang YW, Liu T*, Zhang QL, Lei K. A practical tool used to compute thermal performance of glass curtain walls. Structural Engineering International. 2016, 26(2):114-120.

5. Liu T*, Zhang QL. Ap/Vp specific equivalent viscous damping model for base-isolated buildings characterized by SDOF systems. Engineering Structures, 2016, 111:36-47.

6. Liu T*, Zhang QL, Zordan T, Briseghella B. FE model updating of Canonica Bridge using experimental modal data and genetic algorithm. Structural Engineering International, 2016, 26(1):27-36.

7. Liu T, Yang B*, Zhang QL. Health Monitoring System Developed for Tianjin 117 High-rise Building. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE. 2016, B4016004.

8. Zhang QL, Yang B, Liu T*, Li H, Lv J. Structural health monitoring of Shanghai Tower Considering time-dependent effects. International Journal of High-Rise Buildings, 2015, 4(1): 85-90.

9. Liu T*, Zordan T, Zhang QL, Briseghella B. Equivalent Viscous Damping of Bilinear Hysteretic Oscillators. Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, 2015, 141(11):06015002.

10. Zordan T, Briseghella B, Liu T*. Finite Element Model Updating of a Tied-arch Bridge Using Douglas-Reid Method. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English version), 2014, 1(4): 280-292.

11. Liu T*, Zordan T, Briseghella B, Zhang QL. Simplified Linear Static Analysis for Base-Isolated Buildings with Friction Pendulum Systems. Structural Engineering International, 2014, 24(4):490-502.

12. Zordan T, Liu T*, Briseghella B, Zhang QL. Improved equivalent damping model for base isolated structures with lead rubber bearings. Engineering Structures, 2014, 75:340-352.

13. Liu T*, Zordan T, Briseghella B, Zhang QL. An improved equivalent linear model of seismic isolation system with bilinear behavior. Engineering Structures, 2014, 61:113-126.

14. Liu T*, Zordan T, Briseghella B, Zhang QL. Evaluation of equivalent linearization analysis methods for seismically isolated buildings characterized by SDOF systems. Engineering Structures, 2014, 59:619-634.



1.刘涛,基于创新导向的三级实践教学体系研究-以厦门大学土木工程专业为例, 当代教育实践与教学研究,202012



1. 罗婷, 刘涛, 杨彬, 张其林. 上海中心幕墙风压监测测点布点研究. 第十五届全国现代结构工程学术研讨会,开封, 2015.

2. Zordan T, Mazzarolo E, Zhang Q, Briseghella B, Liu T. Equivalent Linearization of Bridges with Bilinear Isolation Systems. 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2014), Shanghai, China, 2014.

3. Briseghella B, Zordan T, Romano A, Zambianchi L, Simone G, Liu T. Lift-up and Base Isolation as a Retrofit Technique for RC Existing Building. 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012.



1. 基于人工神经网络的Bouc-Wen-Baber-Noori滞回模型等效线性化研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持,202001-202212.

2. 基于等效线性化模型的隔震结构非线性参数识别, 福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,主持, 201701-201812.
