洪晓强,中共党员,2016年本硕博连读毕业于中国科学技术大学(提前1年毕业),在香港城市大学完成博士后研究后,2019年入职厦门大学。主要从事智慧低碳建筑技术、可再生能源与建筑节能、建筑性能模拟分析等领域的研究工作,在Applied Energy、Energy and Buildings、Building Simulation等各类期刊、会议发表论文30余篇,出版专著1部,主持国家级、省市级等各类科研项目6项。现为国际期刊Building Simulation青年编委,Building and Environment、Energy、Solar Energy、Journal of Building Engineering等国际期刊审稿人。
10. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金,基于光热环境与能耗协同优化的热致调光玻璃应用设计和评价方法研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持
9. 厦门大学校长基金-青年创新一般项目,不规则建筑表面及间断阴影遮挡下建筑光伏系统性能的逐时预测模型研究,2022.01-2023.12,主持
8. 厦门市建设科技项目,厦门气候条件下热致调光工程应用设计关键问题研究,2021.01-2022.12,主持
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于表皮功能仿生的湿热地区建筑环境适应性设计研究,2021.01-2024.12,排名第2
6. 厦门大学校长基金-青年人才创新力提升计划,气候响应被动式变色建筑幕墙的优化设计理论,2020.01-2020.12,主持
5. 横向项目-中铁建设集团有限公司,基于热环境智能调节的可变建筑表皮研究,2020.05-2021.12,排名第2
4. 横向项目-厦门大学建筑设计研究院,宁化城东中学扩容提升工程方案设计,2020.05-2020.12,排名第5
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,微流体光催化燃料电池用于废水资源化的机理及动力学研究,2019.01-2022.12,排名第2
2. 福建省自然科学基金-青年创新基金,百叶型特朗伯墙与建筑热环境的耦合影响机制研究,2018.03-2021.03,主持
1. 福建省高校青年自然基金-重点项目,基于动态分布参数模型的多功能热泵仿真及软件开发,2016.12-2019.12,主持
21. Feng Shi #, Yilin You #, Xuan Yang, Xiaoqiang Hong*, Annual evaluation of the visual-thermal comfort and energy performance of thermotropic glazing in a reference office room of China, Building and Environment, 2024. [Link]
20. Zhiye Li, Lei Zhou, Xiaoqiang Hong*, Sihan Qiu, Outdoor thermal comfort and activities in urban parks: An experiment study in humid subtropical climates, Building and Environment, 2024. [Link]
19. Chenyuan Zheng, Chen Chen, Xiaoqiang Hong, Weiyou Zhang, Ruiyang Yang, Feng Shi*, Experimental evaluation of the thermal, lighting, and energy performances of a mechanically ventilated double-skin facade with Venetian blinds and a light shelf, Energy and Buildings, 2024. [Link]
18. Xiaoqiang Hong, Yue Yang*, Huaying Chen, Qi Tao, Design, fabrication and energy-saving evaluation of five-layer structure based transparent heat mirror coatings for windows application, Building Simulation, 2023. [Link]
17. Xiaoqiang Hong*; Xinyue Zheng; Junwei Lin, Ideal thermochromic smart window in a south-facing office room of China considering daylighting and energy performance, International Journal of Green Energy, 2023. [Link]
16. Zhanying Zheng, Xiaoqiang Hong, Wei Wu, Yong-qiang Feng, Michael K.H. Leung*, Exploring low-grade heat in exhaust gases with moisture via power generation cycles, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022.
15. Xiaoqiang Hong *, Junwei Lin, Xuan Yang, Shaosen Wang, Feng Shi, Comparative analysis on the daylight and building energy performance of double-skin facade (DSF) with multi-sectional shading devices of different control strategies, ASCE-Journal of Energy Engineering, 148 (2022) 05022001. [Link]
14. 杨绚, 洪晓强, 建筑表皮的自适应技术与参数化设计方法, 城市建筑, 2022.
13. Xiaoqiang Hong *, Feng Shi, Shaosen Wang, Xuan Yang, Yue Yang*, Multi-objective optimization of thermochromic glazing based on daylight and energy performance evaluation, Building Simulation, 14 (2021) 1685-1695. [Link]
12. Xiaoqiang Hong *, Feng Shi. Comparative Analysis of Small-Scale Integrated Solar ORC-Absorption Based Cogeneration Systems, Energies 13 (2020) 946.
11. Jingyu Cao, Xiaoqiang Hong, Zhanying Zheng, Muhammad Asim, Mingke Hu, Qiliang Wang, Gang Pei, Michael K.H. Leung*, Performance characteristics of variable conductance loop thermosyphon for energy-efficient building thermal control, Applied Energy, 2020.
10. Feng Shi*, Shaosen Wang, Jinjin Huang, Hong Xiaoqiang, Design strategies and energy performance of a net-zero energy house based on natural philosophy, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 2020.
9. Xiaoqiang Hong, Michael K. H. Leung *, Wei He, Effective use of venetian blind in Trombe wall for solar space conditioning control, Applied Energy 250 (2019) 452-460. [Link]
8. Wei He *, Xiaoqiang Hong, Xiaoling Wu, Gang Pei, Zhongting Hu, Wenxue Tang, Zhihe Shen, Jie Ji, Thermal and hydraulic analysis on a novel Trombe wall with venetian blind structure, Energy and Buildings 123 (2016) 50-58. [Link]
7. Wei He *, Xiaoqiang Hong, Bingqing Luo, Hongbing Chen, Jie Ji, CFD and comparative study on the dual-function solar collectors with and without tile-shaped covers in water heating mode, Renewable Energy 86 (2016) 1205-1214. [Link]
6. Zhongting Hu, Wei He*, Xiaoqiang Hong, Jie Ji, Zhihe Shen, Numerical analysis on the cooling performance of a ventilated Trombe wall combined with venetian blinds in an office building, Energy and Buildings, 2016. [link]
5. Wei He*, Zhongting Hu, Bingqing Luo, Xiaoqiang Hong, Wei Sun, Jie Ji, The thermal behavior of Trombe wall system with venetian blind: An experimental and numerical study, Energy and Buildings, 2015. [Link]
4. Xiaoqiang Hong, Wei He *, Zhongting Hu, Chenchen Wang, Jie Ji, Three-dimensional simulation on the thermal performance of a novel Trombe wall with venetian blind structure, Energy and Buildings 89 (2015) 32-38. [Link]
3. Wei He *, Xiaoqiang Hong, Xudong Zhao, Xingxing Zhang, Jinchun Shen, Jie Ji, Operational performance of a novel heat pump assisted solar facade loop-heat-pipe water heating system, Applied Energy 146 (2015) 371-382. [Link]
2. Wei He *, Xiaoqiang Hong, Xudong Zhao, Xingxing Zhang, Jinchun Shen, Jie Ji, Theoretical investigation of the thermal performance of a novel solar loop-heat-pipe facade-based heat pump water heating system, Energy and Buildings 77 (2014) 180-191. [Link]
1. Seongyong Park, Xiaoqiang Hong, Sun Choi Woon, Taesung Kim *, Microfabricated ratchet structure integrated concentrator arrays for synthetic bacterial cell-to-cell communication assays, Lab on a chip, 2012. [Link]
1. 洪晓强,《太阳能光热利用新技术在绿色建筑中的应用研究》,厦门大学出版社, 2022-06-01。
2. 何伟, 洪晓强, 余本东, 罗丙庆; 一种与建筑相结合的可控蓄热式太阳能空气集热器, 2017-05-31, 中国, ZL201510408518.3.
1. 何伟, 洪晓强, 胡中亭, 吕松, 余本东, 李念思, 季杰; 一种太阳能多功能墙, 2016-09-07, 中国, ZL201410558931.3.
5. 2021年福建省高层次人才(C类)
4. 2020年福建省引进高层次人才(境外C类)
3. 2020年厦门市高层次人才(C类)
2. 2015年中国科学院朱李月华优秀博士生奖
1. 2014年研究生国家奖学金
3. Building Simulation青年编委
2. Building and Environment、Building Simulation、Energy、Solar Energy、Journal of Building Engineering、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等国际期刊审稿人
1. Frontiers in Energy Research 特刊编辑