报告题目:Chloride-induced reinforcement corrosion in RC structures and its electrochemical treatment
报告人:英国普利茅斯大学 李龙元 教授
地点:曾呈奎楼 208
报告摘要:Corrosion of reinforcement is one of the main causes of failure of RC structures. The repair of corroded RC structures is not only difficult but also very expensive. Reinforcing steel corrosion can be caused by concrete carbonation or chloride attack. The latter is more serious because of its quick process. In order to prevent reinforcing steel from corrosion one has to understand how chlorides penetrate into concrete from surrounding environment and how to remove the chlorides already in concrete to prevent the corrosion of steel bars inside the concrete. In his talk, Prof. Li will explain how and why chlorides can cause the degradation of RC structures, the transport mechanism of chlorides in concrete, and the corresponding theoretical model to describe how the chlorides inside concrete can be removed by using electrochemical treatment methods.